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Prognoza vremena

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by valtra 24/6/2011, 19:38

zupanja isto tako.....dobar pljusak je sastavio,kolko sam pratio bez leda je proslo....

Broj postova : 483
God : 32
Lokacija : Istočna Slavonija
Registriran : 11.03.2008

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by Miky000 24/6/2011, 19:40

Ma bilo milina za gledat kod nas, uopće nije jako padala nego polagano i to finih 45 minuta ako ne i više

Broj postova : 476
God : 31
Lokacija : Cerna
Zanimanje : student
Registriran : 30.07.2010


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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 24/6/2011, 19:49

Dobio sam dojavu između Gradišta i Županje uz jak pljusak ima i tuče:

po radaru izgleda ima tuče između Privlake i Otoka imali ko da potvrdi
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Snf-untitl

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by paor 24/6/2011, 20:25

jutros zgrnio djetelinu za večernje presanje...vidim oblači se , trk na njivu, da barem balirku isprobam, šlus, 15mm kiše...od sveg posla, pokoja psovka...
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 946904

Broj postova : 4319
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Lokacija : Babina Greda
Zanimanje : poljoprivrednik
Registriran : 09.03.2008

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http://www.gospodarstvo-petricevic.hr/ https://www.youtube.com/user/mapetric?feature=mhee

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by falkon 2 24/6/2011, 20:58

Paore za brzinsko presanje si ipak treba pozvati vaspitanog majstora jer u protivnom bude tako nekako kao kod tebe Very Happy , ja sam odustao od diranja djeteline baz bog te kiše, pa ju budem idućih dana uroalo bez trke i buke (nadam se)
falkon 2
falkon 2

Broj postova : 6958
Lokacija : B.Greda
Registriran : 06.02.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 26/6/2011, 10:46

Naznake od četvrtka (30.06.) bi se približa istočna visinska ciklona te bi 4-5 dana kružila oko nas uz dosta promjenjivo vrijeme i za doba godine hladno. Maximalne od 18-23 C, jutarnje 5-8 C. Gorski Kotar samo +2 C što bi pri tlu moglo biti mraza.

JOš je predaleko za 2-3 dana će se znati detaljnije.

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by DF 95 26/6/2011, 11:09

Ove temperature ko naručene za žetvu hit

DF 95

Broj postova : 569
God : 51
Lokacija : njiva
Zanimanje : ratar
Registriran : 12.04.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 27/6/2011, 12:50

ublažila se promijena, izgleda će biti kratkotrajno.

u srijedu posljepodne mogući su lokalni pljuskovi prije svega istok Slavonije a u četvrtak diljem unutrašnjosti.

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by IVAN.14. 27/6/2011, 20:47

coja kako bi moglo biti vrime ovi dana oko sl.broda


Broj postova : 924
Registriran : 16.02.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 28/6/2011, 12:21

sutra posljepodne/navečer lokalno izraženiji pljuskovi s grmljavinom, ali opet će većina mjesta proči bez oborina.

preksutra još nestabilnije.

petak prohladno s obzirom na doba godine, vecinom bez oborina.


Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by delac 28/6/2011, 16:52

coja kakvu bu vrijeme u varaždinu bu kaj kiše?

Broj postova : 1063
God : 37
Lokacija : varaždin
Registriran : 28.01.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by Miky000 28/6/2011, 20:59

Evo kod nas se naoblačilo i palo par kapi

Broj postova : 476
God : 31
Lokacija : Cerna
Zanimanje : student
Registriran : 30.07.2010


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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by Tošo 28/6/2011, 21:01

I kod nas samo malo pišnila Prognoza vremena - Page 32 946904


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God : 45
Lokacija : Tu i tamo pa nazad
Zanimanje : Poljoprivrednik
Registriran : 19.01.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by IVAN.14. 29/6/2011, 21:48

evo kod nas se dobro ispadala

-coja pogodio si Very Happy


Broj postova : 924
Registriran : 16.02.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by DF 95 29/6/2011, 21:59

danas kod nas bilo doista gadno ali bez leda (coja jel je pravilo da pada led ako je na zaslonu radara crveni oblak dhmz)jedva pobjegao sa polja. Prognoza vremena - Page 32 946904

Zadnja promjena: DF 95; 29/6/2011, 22:08; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

DF 95

Broj postova : 569
God : 51
Lokacija : njiva
Zanimanje : ratar
Registriran : 12.04.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by delac 29/6/2011, 22:02

delac je napisao/la:coja kakvu bu vrijeme u varaždinu bu kaj kiše?
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 684261

Broj postova : 1063
God : 37
Lokacija : varaždin
Registriran : 28.01.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 29/6/2011, 22:47

DF 95 je napisao/la:danas kod nas bilo doista gadno ali bez leda (coja jel je pravilo da pada led ako je na zaslonu radara crveni oblak dhmz)jedva pobjegao sa polja. Prognoza vremena - Page 32 946904

Jesil mozda slikao oluju *?

Sve zavisi od uvjeta u atmosferi a i dosta je komplicirano za objasniti nabrzinu. Uglavnom kad je narančasto već postoji opasnost od tuče.

U večini slučajeva: (Napomena zimi primjerice iz 10-20 dBza zna padati umjeren/jak snijeg)
5-20 dbZa slabe oborine (kiša)
25-35 dbZa umjeren oborine (kiša)
40-50 dbZa jake oborine (kiša uz moguću sugradicu)
55-60 dbZa vrlo jake oborine (jak pljusak,moguča tuča)
>65 dBZa extremni intezitet oborine (prolom oblaka, moguči veliki komadi tuče)

Današnji radar kretanja oluja:
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 V-bradar

Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Ipa-untitl

Zadnja promjena: 11COJA11; 29/6/2011, 23:39; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by politicar 29/6/2011, 23:12

Mi smo dobili par kapi...

Broj postova : 4268
God : 90
Lokacija : Đakovo
Registriran : 23.04.2009

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by DF 95 30/6/2011, 06:56

Nisam slikao oblake bilo je bježanja sa polja ali razvoj oblaka točno u 16:00 ona crvena točka(prošlo je mađarsku granicu) nekako se nalazila iznad nas ali nije bilo leda(hvala bogu) Prognoza vremena - Page 32 686884

DF 95

Broj postova : 569
God : 51
Lokacija : njiva
Zanimanje : ratar
Registriran : 12.04.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 30/6/2011, 11:50

Za danas kompletna Slavonija i Baranja ima dobre uvijete da dobije jaču kišu, lokalno i nevrijeme

Upozorenja CM:

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by deere power 30/6/2011, 12:01

a kud bas baranja, juce je bilo vise oblaka nego danas, valjda nece padat jos 3-4 dana da se zavrsi zetva
deere power
deere power

Broj postova : 5206
God : 39
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Zanimanje : poljoprivrednik
Registriran : 30.12.2008


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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 11COJA11 30/6/2011, 12:07

Estofex crta 1 za naše područje:
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Nto-showfo

Storm Forecast
Valid: Thu 30 Jun 2011 06:00 to Fri 01 Jul 2011 06:00 UTC
Issued: Wed 29 Jun 2011 22:00
Forecaster: GATZEN

A level 2 was issued for south-western Russia and north-eastern Ukraine mainly for excessive precipitation and tornadoes.

A level 1 was issued for western Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States and southern Finland mainly for excessive rain and tornadoes.

A level 1 was issued for Southern Poland to the northern Balkans mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for Italy and the southern Balkans mainly for large hail.

A level 1 was issued for eastern Spain mainly for large hail and excessive precipitation.


Low geopotential extends from the North Sea to the Black Sea. A north-westerly jet affects most of the Mediterranean. Over north-eastern Europe, a high is present.


South-western Russia, north-eastern Ukraine, eastern Belarus to the Baltic States

A strong easterly flow evolves between the high over the northern parts of Europe and the trough centred over the western Ukraine. Warm air advection sets in from the east and a strong low-level jet is expected to develop that will probably reach 25 m/s at 850 hPa. In the warm air advection regime, a convergence zone is expected over the northern Ukraine between rather warm air masses over Russia and cooler air over the Ukraine that extends north-eastward across Belarus to the Baltic States. Moisture pooling is forecast along this convergence zone and the low-level mixing ratio is expected to be 11-13 g/kg in the lowest kilometre. Additionally, reasonable steep lapse rates are expected to spread westward and will overlap with the rich moisture. Daytime heating is expected to result in CAPE values reaching 1000 J/kg.

The strong convergence assists for storms through-out the period that are expected to merge into MCSs that move north-westward. Excessive precipitation is forecast with these storms given the humid air and the continuous forcing as the storms move almost parallel along the convergence line.

Tornadoes are forecast to be another main threat. Through-out the period, strong low-level vertical wind shear will overlap with the instability over a broad area especially over south-western Russia. 0-1km bulk shear is forecast in the 15-20 m/s range with 200 m²/s² SRH by latest GFS in the evening hours. Especially isolated storms are forecast to become well-organized and tornadoes are expected that may be strong. Farther west, the tornado potential decreases due to weaker low-level vertical wind shear.

Besides the rain and tornado risk, large hail and severe wind gusts are not ruled out, especially in the northern and eastern portions of the risk area, where the boundary-layer is expected to be better mixed and storms will be more isolated. Later in the period, severe wind gusts are expected along the gust fronts of MCSs that propagate north-westwards into Belarus and north-western Ukraine. Excessive precipitation and tornadoes may occur through-out the night hours.

Southern Poland to the northern Balkans

The trough over the North Sea moves south-eastward and merges to the eastern trough later on. At lower levels, the cold air mass over Germany will accelerate at the eastern flank of a low centred over Romania. On Thursday, the cold air mass will be located to the west of a convergence line from central Poland to Hungary and will advect rapidly south-eastward. Current thinking is that the low-level cold air advection will limit the thunderstorm potential. The best chances for stronger storms are forecast from southern Austria to Serbia ahead of the cold air as well as near the convergence from central Poland to Hungary.

Given weak winds at mid-levels, storms will likely be slow-moving and may cluster. Locally large hail and excessive precipitation is not ruled out. Later in the period, strong north-westerly winds are forecast to develop especially in the cold air behind the main cold front that spreads into the northern Balkans. Near the convergence line to the east, some instability may overlap with the strong north-westerly flow at 850 hPa, and a tornado is not ruled out. Current indications do not prefer such a scenario, though.

Eastern Spain

At the southern periphery of the North Sea trough, a north-westerly jet streak will travel across Iberia. Daytime heating over the central regions is expected to result in steep lapse rates that will spread eastwards. Along the coasts, moist low-level air of the Mediterranean Sea is forecast to spread westwards given a thermal low over Iberia. Upslope flow and low-level convergence are forecast to overlap with the steep lapse rates and favourably vertical wind shear. Supercells are forecast capable of producing large hail and locally excessive precipitation. Isolated severe wind gusts are not ruled out. Storms are forecast to decay in the evening hours.

Italy to southern Balkans

A rather strong north-westerly mid-level flow is expected, and deep layer vertical wind shear will be around 15 m/s. The affected air mass is unstable given rather rich low-level moisture and steep mid-level lapse rates. Storms are expected to develop during the day and may become supercells, capable of producing large hail and severe wind gusts. Storms are forecast to decay during the night hours.

Northern Sweden and surroundings

At the western flank of the high pressure area, a warm air mass experiences upslope flow along the Scandinavian mountains. Current indications are that some low-level moisture and diurnal heating will result in weak instability. Thunderstorms are forecast to develop at the noon hours. Given a strong southerly mid-level jet, these storms will move quite rapidly northward and may organize. Locally large hail and severe wind gusts are forecast, but the threat seems to be too marginal for a risk level at this time.

Broj postova : 162
Lokacija : osijek
Registriran : 01.06.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by zelenko 30/6/2011, 14:36

Kod nas se nešto sprema nadam se da neće biti loše.
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 P6300002d
Prognoza vremena - Page 32 P6300003

Broj postova : 1075
God : 33
Lokacija : Međimurje
Zanimanje : Poljoprivredni-tehničar
Registriran : 22.06.2010

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by 577 30/6/2011, 17:22

Što su rekli sutra za Gorski Kotar pada pomalo kiša a ja trebo u šumu majku joj...

Broj postova : 2642
God : 36
Lokacija : Otok
Zanimanje : Tehničar za željeznički promet
Registriran : 10.02.2011

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Prognoza vremena - Page 32 Empty Re: Prognoza vremena

Postaj by kreso 30/6/2011, 18:24

sad ozbiljno ja pratim prognoze ali me ždere vrjeme za subotu kaže promjenjivo , a ja bi trebao krov otkrivat na kući , jel ima koja preciznija prognoza , neznam dali da otkažem radnu akciju ili ne??'

Broj postova : 1997
God : 43
Lokacija : virovitica
Zanimanje : poljoprivrednik-radnik
Registriran : 09.03.2008

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